What Is Bounce Rate in Google Analytics and How To Lower Bounce Rate?

To put it in the most simple terms, Bounce rate in Google Analytics is the percentage of visits by users wherein the users leave your website from the landing page itself without browsing any further. There can be a number of reasons why a visitor might not want to go any further on your website. These include the following:
·         Slow page loading
·         Misleading keywords, title tags or meta descriptions
·         Bad referrals
·         Low quality/Irrelevant content
·         Not so pleasing landing page designs
·         Lack of clear next steps or Call to action
·         Asking for too much information before proceeding

These are a few things that need to be worked upon to avoid bouncing rate on your website. There are various ways in which you can lower your bounce rate: 
·         You should always have a user centric landing page. User centric meaning that it should satisfy a visitor’s query which will ensure that the bounce rate of a website is reduced. 
·         Analyze the kind of traffic that visits your website. If you are getting traffic due to misleading keywords or marketing channels the users are bound to bounce off the minute they visit your website. Adjusting the right keywords will ensure the right traffic visits your website and will convert. 
·         ‘Call to Action’ is very important and should be relevant to your landing page. Your landing page should always have a Call to Action space that will prompt the users to go ahead with the process. This can be in any form be it a video, button, banner or link. 
·         Good quality content with precise and relevant information is always a must to retain the interest of your users.
·         Loading time has to be absolutely less to retain traffic as when it comes to the digital world, patience levels are low since there are a number of options available.
·         Your landing page must absolutely be responsive to work across all possible devices.
·         You must always have a clear next step for the visitor to follow.
·         Avoid compulsory form filling for basic information right at the beginning as it will definitely send the people in the other direction.
·         Try to avoid pop ups as much as possible.
·         Engaging videos, captivating images and a smart way of introducing your brand will always work in your favour.
Ultimately it all boils down to great user experience. a good user experience will definitely help you keep your bounce rate in check.

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